I'd like to try running a single node Rook/Ceph cluster in k3d on the interceptor just for fun. When I tried to spin up a k3d cluster I got a warning about cgroups:
WARN[0058] warning: encountered fatal log from node k3d-rook-server-0 (retrying 0/10): Ptime="2022-04-27T02:23:11Z" level=fatal msg="failed to find memory cgroup (v2)"
On Raspberry Pi OS I would modify /boot/cmdline.txt, but I don't see that on the Interceptor OS.
How can I do the equivalent of `cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory` in /boot/cmdline.txt?
I figured it out. cmdline.txt lives in the EFI partition created by the installer, which is not automounted. I mounted /dev/mmcblk0p1 to /mnt and added my parameters to /boot/cmdline.txt. Then rebooted.
Now I can spin up a k3d cluster.