I have a DNS server on my network that I run everything through. It is a PiHole running in a Docker container for anyone interested.
The Interceptor should have picked up this DNS server when it got its DHCP, but it seemed to have not. So I used resolvectl to manually set it, and it still isn't working. Except it is when I use resolvectl to resolve it.
admin@interceptor:~$ resolvectl query mos-eisley
mos-eisley: -- link: wan
-- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 28.9ms.
-- Data is authenticated: no
admin@interceptor:~$ ping mos-eisely
ping: mos-eisely: Name or service not known is the correct address for my mos-eisley server, but I can't ping it and nslookup won't find it either unless I manually give it the correct server.
Anyone know what's gone wrong? I'd prefer the DNS get picked up from DHCP, but my home network is rather static so if I have to manually set it that would work too.
Updating here, I had some more time today to play around with this. Installing resolvconf seems to have solved my problems.
sudo apt install resolvconf
This article helped me figure it out, https://www.ricmedia.com/set-permanent-dns-nameservers-ubuntu-debian-resolv-conf/, I had already done the configuration and only needed that install, but if you came here looking to set permanent static DNS servers it looks like it should help you out as well.
I apologize for the late reply @ben13100. Engineering is looking into this and will be in touch shortly.