Q. How do I monitor/reset the PoE ports?
A. Use the "PoE Ports" tab of the "System Settings" utility in the Axzez provided Wayfire, 3D Wayland Compositor.
Q. How do I read the PoE controller status?
$ cat /proc/pse1/status
voltage: 47437 (40000-60000) mV
current: 40 (2500) mA
power allocated: 4000 (120000) mW
Q. How do I read the PoE port status?
$ cat /proc/pse1/port2/status
state: power on
class: 1 (4000 mW)
temperature: 43500 (150000) mdeg
voltage: 47687 mV
current: 40 (800) mA
last event:
Q. How do I reset a PoE port?
$ echo 1 > /proc/pse1/port2/reset
Q. How do I set the PoE power allowance?
A. This value is used to determine if there is enough power available to turn on a PoE port. If your power supply can source 120W:
$ echo 120 > /proc/pse1/power_allowance
Q. How do I find the IP address of the connected PoE device?
A. First, get the PoE device ID (e.g. poe1-3) from the PoE Ports tab of the "System Settings" utility. Then from the command line, type the following:
$ #networkctl status <device ID>
$ networkctl status poe1-3
The output will contain the IP address assigned by DHCP, if you left this default behavior enabled in the "System Settings" utility "Network" tab.

Q. My Interceptor Carrier Board no longer boots or boots without USB after I connect my Interceptor PoE Board(s) and WMX Power Converter.
A. Do to the power requirements of WMX Power Converter, not every PSU will work with it. Most likely, you will need a PSU with at least 550W. You can start by looking at the PSUs listed on the Interceptor Carrier Board FAQ as verified, and for that series select a PSU that offers at least 550W (one 550W PSU we tested [see list below] was not compatible, so higher is better). Here is the current list of tested PSUs. We'll keep adding to this list as we verify more:
PSUs compatible with the WMX Power Converter (Verified by Axzez)
Corsair RMx 750W
EVGA SuperNOVA G3 550W
Seasonic Focus GX 750W
PSUs that do NOT support the WMX Power Converter
Q. How do I connect my Power Supply Unit (PSU) to the PoE Board?
A. In order to do this, the PSU will require some modification. We have written this short guide to help you get setup. Note that some PSU's 4+4 pin connectors will actually be a 4+4 pin, but with 5+5 wires. One of the 5 wires will be a slightly smaller gauge than the other four and you should just group that smaller gauge wire with one of the other 4.
It seems that all of the POE ports in the system come up in half duplex:
Port 2:
pvid: 12
link: port:2 link:up speed:100baseT half-duplex auto
The devices that come up half duplex come up full duplex when plugged in to other switches (including the ports on the realtek chip in the interceptor carrier board). Is there a way to configure ethernet autonegotiation, or to force full duplex on the POE ports?
We added a new Q/A entry on how to setup your PSU to provide power to the Interceptor PoE Board, with a link to this document:
We just added PSUs that have been tested with the Power Converter sold by Axzez to power the Interceptor PoE Board. We also added a new Software FAQ entry for finding the IP address of a PoE device.
This is very interesting... In my application, 12v and 24v passive POE is used to power cameras and long range access points. Would this POE board be able to support either or ideally both of these voltage options?